Student Learning Articles

Here’s Why You Need to Join the All New Business Directory At Master’s

Here’s Why You Need to Join the All New Business Directory At Master’s

Growing up at Master’s I have learned the value of creating relationships with everyone who is around me, including teachers. The strong bonds I have formed with my peers are ones I hope to have for a lifetime…The necessity of creating a strong social network, along with the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, have framed my approach to the Impact Project.

2020: Graduates With a Vision

2020: Graduates With a Vision

The impact project is one aspect of our programming that aims to develop future ready skills and to help students begin to pursue their personal vision. As one 2020 Master’s graduate observed, none of them could have predicted that they would need to exercise these skills graduating during a global pandemic.

What You Can Do To Survive Home Learning Without Pulling Your Hair Out Or Self-Quarantining in a Hotel Room

What You Can Do To Survive Home Learning Without Pulling Your Hair Out Or Self-Quarantining in a Hotel Room

…with home learning, your child has their teacher who uses the Profound Learning method and teaches Alberta curriculum. All the learning is a continuation from what was taught in the classroom prior to quarantine, there is a very clear direction and focus, and, most importantly—sigh of relief—you are not the teacher. Your role is to simply support the learning.

Finding the Silver Lining

Finding the Silver Lining

…we have always emphasized to students the importance of being an Independent Worker. We have always believed that this habit is one that would set students up for success, both now and in the future. However, neither students nor we could have imagined how this habit’s importance would be emphasized during a global pandemic.

What? I’m Now My Child’s Teacher!

What? I’m Now My Child’s Teacher!

…in the midst of juggling working from home and keeping the normal household functioning, parents are now putting in long hours trying to help their children over the hurdles of learning outside of the classroom. Here’s the good news. You are still the PARENT! The teachers at Master’s are still the TEACHERS. Your role is what has always been – to teach what we call the “soft skills of life”.

Reaching Mastery Through Self Assessment

Reaching Mastery Through Self Assessment

At Master’s we believe it is possible for ALL students to reach Mastery in their learning. We believe it so strongly that Mastery is one of the layers of our education model. However, in order to reach Mastery, a culture of empowerment and Ownership must first be established.

The Spiritual Heart at the Centre of Our Mission and Vision

The Spiritual Heart at the Centre of Our Mission and Vision

Part of our school mission of being Future Ready is for students to have a foundation that goes beyond just academic education and vocational training. It focuses on ‘Who They are Becoming’ and it is a core piece of our learning model. This will include understanding the cultural moments that they live in and how they will work through what is coming at them during their lifetime.

Why Ending the Year in a Shark Tank is a Good Idea!

Why Ending the Year in a Shark Tank is a Good Idea!

At Master’s, we ended the year with a simulated shark tank experience where adrenaline was flowing, risks were being taken, the outcome seemed uncertain and our futures hung in the balance.

This Is Why at Master’s We Are the “Crazy Ones”

This Is Why at Master’s We Are the “Crazy Ones”

The Big WHY is more than having a sense of purpose in life. It is about purposefully making a difference in our world; having a cause that is bigger than yourself. Imaginal Leaders are those who have shaped the world we live in. Not only do they possess a deep sense of purpose, they possess a driving vision to create something new like Steve Jobs, to transform their world like Mahatma Gandhi, or to help the needy like Mother Teresa.

Results That Stand Out – Let’s Hire This Kid!

Students now, and in the future, will be facing the demanding challenge of being able to stand out in the crowd. At Master’s, we give our students the best chance to land the careers that will bring personal joy and satisfaction. Let’s help them stand out in the crowd!

How Do Master’s Students Learn from the Future?

How Do Students Learn from the Future?

Virtually all of the curriculum taught in schools represents knowledge that is already known, and it is all about the past. At Master’s, we want our students to not only learn from the past at a high level of proficiency, we also want them to learn from the future. However, how do you learn from the future?

Student Council Members At Master’s Attended The Calgary Leadership Prayer Breakfast And It Was Inspiring

Student Council Members At Master’s Attended The Calgary Leadership Prayer Breakfast And It Was Inspiring

“[Students] had come to engage in the conversation about what’s happening in our city and province, and to be part of offering it all up to God in prayer. These are the kinds of young people, I thought to myself, who I want to take up the torch as the next generation of leaders. Some maintain that the young people of today are too digital to be adequate leaders of our world—that they are the “disengaged”. But I didn’t see that with our students. They were attentive, caring, and deeply engaged.”

This Business of Brain Based Learning

This Business of Brain Based Learning

“Learning only happens when the biology of the brain is altered in some way”. Something has to happen in the brain for learning to occur.

Master’s College Exceeds Provincial Norms in Math

“Our program at Master’s College is built on a conceptual approach towards mathematics… When students have conceptual understanding, they are able to apply their thinking to an application problem or to a new situation.”

Master’s College & Fraser Institute Rankings

Our focus is on both academic preparation for university as well as on who the student is becoming. Our Imaginal Design program is a one of a kind program that develops the Imaginal abilities of our students to become seers of, learners from, and creators of the future. This alone gives our graduates a tremendous competitive advantage for life beyond school, which is the real objective of education.

Do You Need to Find Your Passion or Is It Developed?

A new study by Stanford researchers Carol Dweck and Gregory Walton, among other scholars, suggests that spending effort developing one’s passion is more effective than looking for one’s true passion.

Culture of Low Threat

“Put your hand up if you don’t understand and need more help,” says the teacher. Who does that? Who actually raises a hand, and in that vulnerable moment lets the whole class see that they don’t get it? Who will take this risk?

Welcome Back – What’s New & Exciting

Welcome back to all our parents, students and faculty, especially, those families who are new to Master’s. We trust that your decision to choose Master’s will be rewarded with an outstanding experience in our school.

August – Time for a Fresh Start

It’s that time of the year again! Just when we are getting accustomed to our world being green, we see