The Calgary Leadership Prayer Breakfast – and Developing Imaginal Leaders
The 2020 Calgary Leadership Prayer Breakfast was held this October for the 52nd straight year and had over 1000 devices (including several groups) accessing the event online.
The 2020 Calgary Leadership Prayer Breakfast was held this October for the 52nd straight year and had over 1000 devices (including several groups) accessing the event online.
The COVID-19 crisis will subside at some point and we will emerge into a different world. How will we position ourselves for this next season of our lives?
On Wednesday November 20, four days before the 2019 Grey Cup Football championship was played this year in Calgary, about 350 Grade 6-12 students watched an athletic assembly in the College gym and cheered insanely for about 20 of their Eagles athletes as they took on CFL athletes in five sports.
Part of our school mission of being Future Ready is for students to have a foundation that goes beyond just academic education and vocational training. It focuses on ‘Who They are Becoming’ and it is a core piece of our learning model. This will include understanding the cultural moments that they live in and how they will work through what is coming at them during their lifetime.