Top 40.
Under 40.
From the Top 750 Under 20.

Our future leaders, future ready.
In a world where change is happening all around us, we need strong leaders. We need strong leaders who see a better future and have the understanding to bring it to fruition with hope and faith and love.
At Master’s Academy and College, we prepare our students to be Imaginal Leaders. Imaginal Leaders are those who see, learn from, and create the future. Imaginal Leaders are the artists, entrepreneurs, innovators, inventors, disruptors who transform our world.

History is made by ordinary people doing extraordinary things: Alexander the Great, St. Paul the Apostle, Louis Pasteur, Helen Keller, Frank Lloyd Wright, Mozart, Beethoven, Leonardo da Vinci—and the list goes on …
And in our current world, we are witnesses of the work of people like Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey, Ginni Rometty, and Bishop Desmond Tutu.
All of these leaders cut against the grain; they see a better world and strive to make their vision a reality.
Calgary Top 40 Under 40
And that’s why we congratulate our Calgary’s Top 40 Under 40, for in these times of change and complexity they are the Imaginal Leaders who have vision and shape our city, our nation, and our world. In an economy hit hard by cut backs, landlocked natural resources, and a global pandemic, we need more people in our city to step up and do extraordinary things—to innovate, invent, and inspire.
But how do you train people to become Imaginal Leaders—to see, learn from, and create the future? Is there a curriculum anyone can point to?

A Local Hub
for Global Transformation
Master’s was founded by our CEO Tom Rudmik with a vision: to create a breakthrough model of education and share it with the world. Almost 25 years of research and development later, our model is called Profound Learning, and our work has expanded into countries all over the world.
We are attracting schools, districts, entrepreneurs, innovators, and even high-ranking government leaders to our Profound Learning advantage.

Throughout this work, we have collaborated with thought leaders in innovation and creativity, facilitated world leaders, and worked with international companies and think tanks. And we’ve honed those experiences into a curriculum that teaches innovation, design, collaboration, and futurism. We call it the Imaginal Program.

Master’s is focused on educating and training the next leaders of our world—young men and women who have vision shot through with faith, hope, and love, and the skills and tools to make a difference in Calgary, Canada, and across the globe.

Students becoming Imaginal Leaders
Real leaders. Real stories.
Imaginal Bold Challenge.
Future by Design.
Austin’s Story.
Sink or Swim.
Our world needs more Imaginal Leaders. And we’re up to the challenge!
To find out how your child can become an Imaginal Leader, book a College tour today.